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—— Into Yongxin ——

Yangzhou Yongxin Clothing Co., Ltd was incorporated in the year 2001 as a joint partnership with the Singaporean company Fuan Mah Textiles & Co, an establi shment since 1972. The factory is located in Guangling District of the picturesque city of Yangzhou. Occupying a built up area of 2, 0000 sqm on a land area of 30, 000 sqm, the company operates a production facility for apparel exports and her own br ands.

Our company' s annual product ion capacity of over 1.5 million shirts are exported to Germany, Italy, France, U.S.A, U. K., Canada, Singapore and other countries. This includes brands such as Crocodile, Valentino, Play Boy, Pierre Cardin, Polo, Alain Delon and so on.

In our pursuit for high quality products, we have invested in equi pments such as the Amer ican Accumark software, Japanese JUKI sewing machines, and Wrinkle Free Fusing Presses. Production is planned and executed based on Japanese system, and compliant to internat ional apparel standards. With integr ity, quality and creativ- ity, as our management guidelines, we are committed to meet the highest expecta-tions.

We welcome all enquiries. Please contact us as fol lows.


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